Acidity Drops


  • Acidity Relief Drops is very beneficial in cure Acidity and neutralize excess acid that can cause illness and premature aging.
  • It helps to keep away inflation, bloating and gas production in the stomach.
  • It maintains digestion of the body so that there is maximum absorption of nutrients of the food consumed.
  • It helps in increasing appetite in oneself so that there is proper weight balance of an individual.
  • It helps in overcoming burning sensation in the stomach and helps to gain smooth working of metabolism and good digestive system.
  • Acidity relief drop helps to keep body toxin free and detoxify the body and keeps liver and kidney healthy.
  • This helps to take out all the toxin substance from the liver and kidney and increase performance of the body.




(A) Active Ingredients: Each 30ml contains:
Sr. No. Name of Ingredient Latin / English Name Qty in ml
1 Saunf Foeniculum vulgare 15
2  Ajwain Thymol 10
3 Sankh bhasm Ayurvedic drug 2
4 Sat ajwain Thymol 2
5 Sat Pudina Menthol 1
6 Excipient QS

Saunf: Saunf is good for digestion, it is taken after having a meal so that there is no bloating in the stomach.

Ajwain: Ajwain is also considered good for digestion, this promotes immunity and cures all kind of indigestion, discomfort in the stomach.

 Sankh bhasm:  This reduces heart burn; indigestion also cure hyperacidity. This is helpful in reducing excessive acid production due to long meal gap, bad food intake, side effects of medicines etc.

Sat ajwwain: This helps to increase the appetite in oneself and helps to cope up with the problem of indigestion.


Pudina: Pudina is one of the best herbs for stomach it keeps stomach calm and cool. This provides soothes to stomach so that there is better digestion of the food.

 Benefits and features:

  • It helps to neutralize excess acid that can cause illness and premature aging
  • It is used to relieve extra gas in the stomach
  • It reduces heartburn
  • It cures indigestions
  • It provides relief from upset stomach
  • It also cures stomach ulcer and prevent its formation.
  • It prevents the formation of acid in the stomach.

How to Use:-

Shake well before using. Add prescribed drops to 60 ml of water or juice. For best result take regular 2 or 3 times between the meals per day.

DOSAGE: 5 to 10 drops twice a day or as directed by healthcare professional.


  • This product does not have any side effects as all herbal products are used in this.
  • Consult physician for dosage
  • If it does not suit you, you can either decrease the dosage, increase water intake or still not suits you then you can discontinue it.
  • Keep out of the reach of children
  • Store away from heat and light.