Amla Juice


  • It is high in antioxidants and improves both physical and mental health.
  • It prevents the formation of cancer cells
  • It contains carotene to improve vision
  • It helps in delaying aging
  • It fights against inflammation and boosts memory.
  • It helps in relieving constipation
  • It reduces obesity
  • It stimulates hair growth and clears dandruff.
  • It can be consumed in raw form or powder, churn, candy, or as pickles
  • It also enhances the skin texture
  • It aids in the detoxification of the body.
  • It is also used against diabetes
  • It boosts immunity and aids digestion.


Amla (Phyllanthus amblica):- It is also known as Indian gooseberries. It grows on the same-named flowering tree. Berries are round and bright or yellow-green. It acts as a rejuvenator and has many physiological effects like eye disorders, hair fall, and diabetes.  It has anti-aging. it is also one of the best aphrodisiacs.  It is also rich in antioxidants.


  • This product does not have any side effects as all herbal products are used.
  • Consult a physician for dosage
  • If it does not suit you, you can either reduce the dosage, increase your water intake, or discontinue it.